Thursday, February 11, 2010
Shooting in the Cultural
Bonn - The Bonn Cultural shooting in Old City: Yasar A. (40) drove his Jaguar, fired three shots. Only by luck no one was hit. Now the shooter is in custody for attempted murder before the court.
The German-Turkish Cultural Association at the Ellernstrasse. There was no sign on 5 February then it would enter a shootout. Many guests were in the house, playing cards or sitting at the computer.
Yasar A. Then drove up. The expensive car is the burly man, who make on Tuesday and fashionably dressed in black took to the dock - even though he needs to feed a family of four, allegedly by the support.
A. parked on the sidewalk, left to the hazard lights. In the café, he quickly fell into an argument with a group of men. A. conceded a punch. When the waiter wanted to intervene, the Turks fled out the door. Three men followed him.
The accused: "I gave the first shot obliquely from above the door frame. A man jumped into a car. Then I fired two shots behind. "The bullets destroyed the windows and skylights met.
The reason for the shooting? The motives remain obscure. Speculation that there could be an escalation in the milieu, or in drug stores, not hardened himself.
All witnesses walled Tuesday on this issue. The defendant merely drew attention to an argument with a 30-year-old guest, who had driven him days earlier at the Disco "No Limit" on the dance floor with a knife in the leg and in the genitals. The 30-year-old Tuesday as a witness: "I have a problem with Yasar A." What problem? "I will not comment."
The court will on 25 September the verdict speak. Previously pleaded prosecutor Karen vinegar.